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Book: Designing Child-Friendly High Density Neighbourhoods

Transforming our cities for the health, wellbeing and happiness of children.

Book Description: Given the significant benefits of play on children’s health and wellbeing, the design of residential neighbourhoods should begin with the question: How can we provide children with opportunities to freely play outdoors, walk independently, and feel a sense of belonging and ownership within their neighbourhoods?

This publication is a compilation of global best practice for designing child-friendly neighbourhoods, collected through an 10-week journey across the globe which the author Natalia Krysiak undertook as part of a Winston Churchill Fellowship. The book explores design interventions and planning policies from cities such as Tokyo, Singapore, London, Antwerp and Vancouver which aim to improve liveability for children by creating more playful urban environments. Rich with visual imagery and global insights, the book makes the case for designing playful cities which provide our youngest residents with diverse play experiences and meaningful connections to nature and community life.  

Publisher: Cities for Play, funded by the Winston Churchill Foundation 

ISBN: 9780646820095,

Format: Softcover, 120 pages, 170x240 mm

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